The Star of This Film...yes REALLY |
Now, my problem comes when I happened to see the trailer for said film. I must press on my audience that I have not seen the film or read the comics so I'm purely recording my current opinions which may, for all I know, change in the future.
The trailer consists of a montage of a squeaky-voiced buck-toothed jellyfish drooling after a stereotypical emo/goth/grunge hybrid masturbatory aid and the "humorous" events that supposedly lead to rodent-face boy winning over bad-ass-but-my-true-love emo slag.
The films extremely liberal attitude towards homosexuality was also an instant turn-off. One of emo-whores "evil exes" is in fact a woman, this, from what I can see, is neither remarked upon nor elaborated furthering a care-fee attitude towards "trying" the homosexual lifestyle. Equally disturbing is rodent-boy's sharing a bed with his "cool" homosexual room mate. As a 12A certificate film I would be extremely angry having taken my 12/13 year old child unknowingly to a film of that rating which contained blatant and overt homosexual themes.
Aside from these gripes, the trailer only leaves me with the impression that all this film has going for it is a non-stop torrent of pop-culture references and geek-in jokes that may alienate even some who self-identify with the nerdier side of life.
The Jail Bait from Lazy Town is back |
I'm not saying if I was taken to see this film I would hate every second of it, I may even have my opinions and fears totally reversed buy it, but from seeing the trailer, Internet chatter and the more general gossip about how "amazzinglly ZOMG Scott Pilgrim" this film/franchise is, the more dubious I become.